For big conversations with the little people you love. Shop the packs now.


Our Products

Evrybody Card Packs are helping your tween navigate through the often-daunting task of learning about their own body. They provide a place to start the big conversations about puberty, body image, anatomy & consent. Paired with hand-drawn illustrations to show real bodies in an age appropriate non sexualised way. FREE SHIPPING AUS WIDE.

Think of the information as a starting point in educating themselves about their own bodies. I hope they can be used as a prompt that opens up bigger discussions about anatomy, fertility, body image, consent and of course as a lead into 'the talk' when they are ready. You can give all the cards as a pack, or just whichever you think is appropriate for them to start with. My hope is that parents, carers, healthcare professionals and many others are able to open up positive dialogues with our smart, funny, beautiful girls & boys who are keenly interested in how their bodies are changing.


How to use our cards?

Wondering how to use our resource packs?

For parents and carers

+ You can give your little ones all the cards and ask them to bring whichever card to you to talk more about when they are ready

+ Perhaps you’ve read through the cards & decided you might give some now & some later, perfectly fine & also the point of presenting the information in small snippets. Trust that you know which bits of information your child is ready for & start with those.

+ Tell your child nothing here is off limits and that its normal to want to know more, make sure they know these cards are just the starting point and you are here to talk through any other questions.

+ Explain that the illustrations show what normal bodies look like, that curiosity is completely ok.

+ Let the process take time, kids will come back to the cards as they need them & questions might come out of nowhere, give yourself some grace here, you can't know everything all the time either.

+ You’ve made an important first step in establishing the foundation of trust going forward, that's worth commending.

For Educators

+ Let EVRYBODY be a guide for prompting questions in a safe space. Classroom settings provide a different challenge for kids to speak up. It may mean you guide through the cards you find most relevant as a starting point.

+ EVRYBODY is presented this way to allow kids to take home this information and take their time processing it.

+ Establish that along with parents/guardians they trust there is space for these conversations in a learning environment too.

+ Be mindful that everyone's home is different & there may be some parents who are uncomfortable about their kids having access to this information. A good point to reiterate is that the PERIOD pack & PENIS pack are not about the ‘sex talk’, it's about empowering kids with information about their own bodies.

+ Ideally kids would be able to have their own take home pack to look at in private

+ Follow up with opportunities to discuss the content after the initial classroom introduction.

For Health Professionals

+ Use EVRYBODY as a take-home information pack that can be provided in a professional setting.

+ The packs can be given to parents as a resource or used in the health care setting as starting point to begin conversations about all thing's puberty related.

+ The packs could be used to bridge the gap for families that may not have access to adequate resources or the means to fund extra learning activities in their home

For anyone who cares even a little that these hard conversations matter to kids

+ You came to the right place & you’ve already taken a huge step forward in finding a way to talk to kids about so many important issues.

EVRYBODY is about helping tweens to understand & appreciate their body for how amazing it is. Facilitating a way to have big conversations with the little people we love, one card at a time.

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